Saturday, September 28, 2013

python: advanced sort with sorted and lambda

I was working on Django project. I had need of order by QuerySet in somewhat complex way.
Basically, I am listing family but list "Spouse" relationship at the top.

Say I have data structure like this:

class Family:
    def __init__(self, type, name):
        self.type = type = name

    def __repr__(self):
            return repr((self.type,

fam = [
    Family("child", "Joi"),
    Family("child", "Leona"),
    Family("parent", "Toshiko"),
    Family("spouse", "Coy"),
    Family("parent", "Akira"),

In SQL statement (PostgreSQL) I can express like this.

SELECT * FROM family WHERE ......

ORDER BY CASE WHEN type='Spouse' THEN 'aaa' else type END

Easy enough.
Now I wasn't sure how to do this in Django.
With raw sql or extras filter code becomes pgSQL specific solution so I wanted to avoid if possible.
So I decided to go with pure python function "sorted" since set of data I will be dealing with is small (just family members... so usually like 4 or 5 and at most... 10?)

Here is how I was able to accomplish.

>>> print(fam)
[('child', 'Joi'), ('child', 'Leona'), ('parent', 'Toshiko'), ('spouse', 'Coy'), ('parent', 'Akira')]

>>> family = sorted(fam, key=lambda x: ("aaa" if x.type == "spouse" else x.type)) 
>>> print(family)
[('spouse', 'Coy'), ('child', 'Joi'), ('child', 'Leona'), ('parent', 'Akira'), ('parent', 'Toshiko')] 

I don't probably need to explain what lambda or sorted with key param is as documentation and thousands of other posts are doing great job but I wanted to post this because I could not find example that shows this level of "key" for sorted function.
"key" will be return ('aaa') for Spouse and (<type>) for other relationship.

for x in family:
    key=lambda x: ("aaa" if x.type == "spouse" else x.type)
    print("%(name)s has type of %(type)s" % {"name":, "type":key(x)})

>>> Coy has type of aaa
>>> Joi has type of child
>>> Leona has type of child
>>> Akira has type of parent
>>> Toshiko has type of parent


If you want to further specify sort order, you can add sort by name followed by type like this too.

family = sorted(fam, key=lambda x: ("aaa" if x.type == "spouse" else x.type,

Hope this magic became clear to you as well.

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